The Actors Pulse is the only school in Sydney who houses and supports their graduates well after they have graduated through the Pulse Group Theatre.

Pulse Group Theatre was established in 2008 by The Actors Pulse graduates.
The Pulse Group Theatre is a platform in which actors get to perform in professional stage plays written by outstanding national and international playwrights. This unique model allows our graduates to become part of an ensemble of actors with the feel of a neighbourhood playhouse.
This model is influenced by similar models in New York City and is one you won’t find anywhere else in Australia. Our philosophy is that constant practice and precise mastery is the key to success in the industry today.
In the Dramatic Arts, one element can’t survive without the other. The actor can’t survive without the director and the writer can’t survive without the cast. This is why PGT is so fundamental in creating accessible opportunities for artists.
We are a Theatre Company where every production is produced and directed professionally at an incredibly high industry standard, staged to a paying audience and open to profit share. The door is open. We like to think we are unveiling the mystery of what it takes to become a working actor and writer. It’s a very important and long-awaited change to the industry. As our mission states, we are a ‘platform for artists’.